Thursday, December 2, 2010

do you come here often?

i was watching tv the other day and i came across this commercial.  it really made me think about the line, "would you have a drink with yourself?"  i started thinking about who i am as a person and if i really liked who i am today.  i came to the conclusion that i would, in fact, have a drink with myself. i thought about the scenario of seeing myself in a bar and realized that i might be a little reluctant to walk up to myself in a bar at first.  this is because i thought about how many people have told me i almost look angry and stand-offish when i'm am just standing there, when in actuality it is just my resting face.  so i decided that seeing this would make me hesitant to approach myself.  however, i would kind of keep an eye on myself throughout the night because i would realize that i wouldn't be out if i wasn't ready to meet people and have fun so i wouldn't dismiss myself just yet.  throughout the night i would realize that my "angry face" really is just a resting face because i would see myself joking with my friends and laughing for a good portion of the night.  this would hint that i had a good sense of humor so i would probably have a good personality to go along with it.  i would go over and try to strike up conversation and realize that i definitely have a sense of humor and i don't take anything too seriously.  to top it all off i would realize i am sarcastic as hell, sometimes to the point where i wouldn't even be able to tell if i was joking or not.  although i would definitely be shy at first, i would end up having a great conversation and learn quite a bit about myself.

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