Thursday, October 7, 2010

hooked on the "book"

i am currently a member of a variety of social network platforms, from the ever-popular facebook, to hypemachine and twitter.  recently, my workload for my courses picked up due to midterms and i found myself with not enough time in the day to complete all my assignments and study for upcoming tests.  i began thinking about where i allocate my free time and the biggest time sucking leech i could think of was facebook.  i realized that i usually spend hours on facebook simply looking at pictures people put up or "creeping" on people by seeing who wrote what on who's wall.  i decided to see how long i could go without logging into facebook and, to my surprise, i have lasted two whole weeks.  intially, i was not sure what i was going to do with my newly found free time, but i quickly realized that what i considered free time before was actually time that could be spent completing the monstrous laundry list of assignments and studying i needed to do.  i  knew i spent a lot of time on facebook, but i never realized how much valuable time i was actually wasting.  over these past two weeks i have found that i am more productive and i actually go to bed earlier because i'm not worried about missing something "important" on my news feed.  i was originally going to end this little experiment when my week of midterms is over on friday, but now i think i'll keep pushing through and see just how long i can go.  i never thought life without facebook would be this much easier, but then again i almost forgot that there was life before facebook when i was still addicted to it.  i honestly think everyone should try this at some point, you'll be surprised how much time you waste "liking" things and "poking" people.

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